Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prereq Summer Session

Hello to all! My name is Elyse and I am going to be spending this August 2008 to August 2009 in the wetland/tundra city of Bethel, Alaska doing the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. I will be the youth minister, volunteer coordinator, parish assistant administrator, juvenile delinquent minister, and hopefully anything else that the Immaculate Conception parish needs that I can do. I cannot describe how excited I am to not only start my position there, but also to see what it is like living in this kind of environment and living this kind of lifestyle. One of the core principles of the JVC is to live simply, which will be a challenge for me I'm sure.

I did set up this blog so that I could stay in contact with people from the lower 48 and to talk about what the volunteers and I are doing up here, but I also created it so that YOU could let me know what you are doing. So please feel free to posts comments as often as you can. If they're in response to something that I've written then that's great, but please also post anything new going on with you too! :) Staying in contact with people is very important to me, so please hold me to that!

As of right now I have yet to arrive in Bethel or for my orientation with the JVC in Portland, Oregon which starts Monday the 4th of August. I'm busy packing, getting last minute gear and necessities, and most importantly I'm trying to fit in seeing as many friends and family that I can before I leave. And basically I wanted to get this blog up and running before I left, so here it is! Please keep my community and me in your prayers and rest assured that you'll be in mine. :)

Viva Alaska!

I consecrate this blog to Our Blessed Lady of the Immaculate Conception.


Anonymous said...

Heyy! I love you E! I don't know what i'll do without you at the beach E! I will make sure that i hit a car or two for you at goofy golf! Tell all of the Yupik people in Bethel that I say hi from another Bethel! You have to ride a dog sled and send me pics of you on one! Here's my email so that you can send me pics: Hope you have fun in Alaska!
Luv Ya,

Elyse said...

Raaaachellll!!! I don't know what I'll do without being able to go to the beach! lol And yes! make sure that you guys play goofy golf for me and hit as many things as possible (jk!). I will be giving you guys a call when I get to Oregon. Have a safe trip! :)
- Your E

Anonymous said...

Your dad was wrong. The beach cam is working. But i think it is in a different place than last year. IDK where it is, but it is somewhere near a clock. Your dad mite have been using a different site than we r. We use Byee!!!

Anonymous said...

TWIN!!!!!! I miss you already! I hope all went well with flights and everything is going well at orientation and that you will have an amazing time up there.

<3 Twin

Steve W. said...

I'm not entirely sure you're qualified to consecrate things...

Anonymous said...

Thanks soooo much for the hair stuff!!! Your mom said that u would email me the directions. Hope ur flight was great!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to send you warm water put it wouldn't stay warm.............